Hungary Prepares For Refo500


 Martin Luther
About 90 churches, institutions of higher education, science and culture are participating in the Refo500 programme.
Historians, literary historians, ethnographers, musicologists and philosophers are participating in interdisciplinary programmes, thus the Academic Research Institute will get the chance to develop links with international institutions and intellectual workshops and also strengthen its reputation in Western academia, said senior researcher Zsombor Tóth.
The Academic Research Centre will focus on the tradition of emigration that has developed since the Reformation. They will identify patterns of behaviour and identity how these have contributed to the survival of migrant communities and their intellectual and religious lifestyles.
The Netherlands-based Refo500 Foundation initiated a programme in 2009 prepare for the anniversary celebration.
?The first phase of the programme runs until 2013, the 450th anniversary of the Heidelberg Catechism, and the second half goes until 2017, 500 years after Martin Luther posted his Ninety-Five Theses.
The most important event among interdisciplinary programmes in Hungary will be the annual conference of the MTA Literary Science Institute?s Renaissance-Baroque Research Group. The institute?s researchers will present at the academic meeting the results of their research and these will also be published in English under the arrangements of Refo500, the Hungarian Academy of Sciences said on its website.
Source: Hungarian News Agency (MTI)