Hungary Set to Celebrate Composer Anniversaries


 Gustav Mahler

In 2010, Hungary - again, together with Austria - will celebrate the 150th anniversary of the birth of Gustav Mahler (1860-1911). In the same year, Hungary will mark the 200th anniversary (1810-1893) of the birth of the Hungarian composer Ferenc Erkel - whose operas have become a mainstay of Hungarian culture and who penned the Hungarian national anthem - with concerts, opera performances and exhibitions.

In 2011, the focus will be on the 200th anniversary of the birth of the Hungarian composer and pianist Franz Liszt (1811-1886).
"Hungary is preparing a rich cultural offering for the Liszt bicentennial as the crowning achievement after the 2006 Bartók year, the Kodály year in 2007, the Hadyn year in 2009 and the Erkel-Mahler year in 2010," said Orsolya Erdödy, who heads event organiser Hungarofest Nonprofit. Events for the anniversary year started taking shape during a three-day International Liszt Workshop last November, she added.
The workshop involved some 50 foreign and Hungarian festival organisers and music historians who shared their ideas for celebrating the Liszt anniversary and established partnerships.
After the Liszt year, music lovers can look forward to the 200th anniversaries of the births of Wagner and Verdi in 2013.
Source: Hungarian News Agency (MTI)