Hungary's March 15 Holiday Marked Around the World


The Hungarian Embassy in Berlin will host the official March 15 celebration in Germany. Ministry of Foreign Affairs Zsolt Németh will be the guest of honour at the event. Several ethnic Hungarians will also take the oath of citizenship at the ceremony.
In Paris, wreaths will be laid at Kossuth Square, near Saint-Lazare station by French Hungarian organisations and by Hungarian diplomats. The anniversary will also be remembered at the grave of Blanka Teleki ? who established the first Hungarian school for girls ? in Montparnasse Cemetery.
In accordance with tradition, a wreath will be laid at the statue of György Bessenyei in Vienna on Wednesday. Hungarian diplomats will mark the anniversary at an event hosted by the embassy in the evening. Deputy Speaker of the Hungarian Parliament Sándor Lezsák will give a speech. On Thursday, a memorial organised by the Alliance of Austrian Hungarian Associations and Organisations, the Collegium Hungaricum and the Hungarian Embassy will take place.
The Swedish Hungarians National Association is taking a programme commemorating the March 15 holiday on the road starting on Friday, March 9, said chairman Szabolcs Bihari. This year, the Bartina folk music ensemble will perform in Stockholm, Jöngköping, Eskilstuna, Göteborg and Malmő.
The Ticino Hungarian Association of Italy will mark the holiday on Sunday, with the participation of clergy from the Catholic and Reformed churches.
The Hungarian Cultural, Scientific and Information Centre in Moscow is holding ?Mihály Zichy Days? on Monday and Tuesday. The Hungarian artist was a painter to the tsars for years. The centre will host a classical music concert on Tuesday.
Celebrations in Poland started already on Sunday, with a Hungarian-language mass and the laying of wreaths at a statue of János Esterházy. Some of the events on the programme will tie in with Hungarian Polish Friendship Day on March 23.
Czech Hungarians will lay wreaths at a memorial plaque to Ferenc Rákóczi II in Prague.
In Bratislava, the statue of Sándor Petőfi in the Medikus Park will be the centre of celebrations on Thursday. A commemoration will take place in the Thália Theatre in Kosice on Wednesday.
In Romania, the Transylvanian Hungarian National Council (EMNT) and the Hungarian People's Party of Transylvania (EMNP) will hold their main commemorations in Oradea, Zalau and Targu Mures. The Democratic Alliance of Hungarians in Romania (RMDSZ) and other Hungarian political parties and organisations will also mark the anniversary.
The 1848 revolution will also be remembered in Croatia and Slovenia.
Hungarians living in Shanghai marked the event with a ceremony at a statue of Petőfi in front of the Lu Xun Museum on March 10.
Source: Hungarian News Agency (MTI) / Photo: MTI