Hungary's Film Fund in Cannes


 Final Cut
As in recent years, Hungary will once again have a pavilion in the International Village. This is to provide a suitable meeting place for Hungarian and international professionals attending the festival and to offer information about the new film financing system in Hungary and about new films in the making.
A Hungarian stand at the film fair held to coincide with the festival will be open to customers for ten days starting on Wednesday. The international section of the Film Fund offers to international distributors more than 50 Hungarian films and co-productions, including the animated feature The District 3D, the thriller The Test by Péter Bergendy and Gábor Kálmán?s new documentary There Was Once?
Film Fund representatives will hold talks with heads of international film institutions, financiers, and international professional organisations on possible cooperation and joint professional programmes.
Hungarian producer Judit Stalter will attend with the support of the Film Fund a three-day professional programme entitled Producers on the Move by the European Film Promotion.
The Krzysztof Kieslowski award will be granted once again by the script-development workshop ScriptEast in Cannes. Of the twelve participating scripts, three are from Hungary: Climbing the Mountain (Second Life) by Gábor Dettre, Home Guards by Krisztina Goda ? Réka Divinyi and I Bring Fire by Simon Sza. The awards ceremony will be held on May 23.
The Cannes Classics section of the 65th Cannes Film Festival will include a special screening of the montage film Final Cut by Hungarian director György Pálfi who will personally attend the event on May 26.