Hussar Museum Opens in France


?The International Hussar Museum presents a unique and excellent collection and at the same time, it pays tribute to the most popular and best-known aspect of Hungarian military tradition. The institution of the hussar army is Hungary?s contribution to the evolution of European warfare and we are understandably proud of it,? Szőcs said.
The museum was inaugurated by French Culture Minister Frédéric Miterrand.
The word hussar originates from the time of King Mathias, who required landowners to supply a mounted soldier for every twenty lots of land. These hussars gained fame during the Rákóczi War of Independence as well as on battlefields in Prussia, Italy, Poland, Russia and France.
The Hungarian László Bercsényi, who became a French citizen in 1726, did much for the hussar reputation in France. He led a regiment of hussars into nearly every military battle of the period during which he lived. And in 1758, he was made Marshal of France, the country?s highest military rank.
Source: Hungarian News Agency (MTI)