ICA-D Hosts Show that Contextualises 1989 Exhibition


The goal of Heavy Industry is to contextualise with the help of contemporary documents the show Blue Steel in the Lajos Street Exhibition Hall of the Budapest Gallery in 1989. That exhibition featured the work of Imre Gábor, Pál Gerber, Gábor Gerhes, Gyula Julius, Balázs Kicsiny, György Kungl, Thomas Mulligan, János Sugár and the Substitute Thirsters. 
?The title Heavy Industry itself refers, on the one hand, to the political and cultural situation in which the exhibited works of art were created in the second half of the eighties, that is the transition period and the post-socialist visual culture. On the other hand, the title also expresses the difficulties of the reconstruction and the interpretation. In line with this, the ?secondary?, cultural history aim of Heavy Industry is exactly to present a significant arts segment of the period of the régime change through concrete works of art,? says curator Sándor Hornyik of the Research Institute for Art History of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences.
Heavy Industry can be seen until December 9, 2011.