Interest High for Kurtág Premiere



The premiere, to take place on January 31, will be followed by a performance of Kurtág's Splinters, then three works by Ligeti: Melodien, Cello Concerto and Sippal, dobbal nadihegeduvel ("With Pipes, Drums, Fiddles"). The concert will feature the UMZE Ensemble, under the baton of Péter Eötvös, as well as the Amadinda Percussion Group, the soprano Natalia Zagorinskaya, the mezzo-soprano Katalin Károlyi, Ildikó Vékony on cimbalom and Miklós Perényi on cello.

On February 1, Kurtág will perform his own work with his wife Márta Kurtág and Hiromi Kikuchi on violin.
A few days before the Kurtág concerts, on January 29, Péter Eötvös will conduct his own works, including several U.S. premieres, at Carnegie Hall.
Source: Hungarian News Agency (MTI)