International Kepes Society Shows in Budapest


The Budapest Gallery is showing the work of 35 artists, several members of the International Light Workshop are participating in an exhibition at the noMADE Gallery, and the work of four German kinetic and light artists is being hosted by the A22 Gallery. All of the exhibitions open on Thursday.
The artist Attila Csáji, who heads the International Kepes Society, said the group, established in 1999 to show the results of the latest scientific research in their art, includes 85 artists, scientists and researchers from 14 countries.
The work of the group is being shown in Budapest for the first time after visiting Kosice, Brasov, Sfantu Gheorghe, Eger, Pécs and Paris.
The exhibition of experimental photographs in the Budapest Gallery, operated by the Budapest History Museum, will be opened by the physicist Norbert Kroó
The noMADE Gallery will show the work of András Mengyán, Adolfo Lugli, Bálint Bolygó and Carlo Bernardini. The exhibition is open until January 15, 2012.
The A22 Gallery is showing the work of Kerstin Engerzinger, Mischa Kuball, Wolfgang Plöger and Michael Bleyenberg until January 5.
Kepes taught at the New Bauhaus in Chicago and established the Center for Advanced Visual Studies at MIT.
Source: Hungarian News Agency (MTI)