
1062 Budapest, Székely Bertalan u. 5.;



Mari Takács and Tamás Vincze: Beszél a kéz (Talking Hands )

Illustrated by Mari Takács and Tamás Vincze

Csimota Publ. House, Budapest, 2004

44 p. fully illustrated

An exciting picture book for toddlers who can learn not only the names of animals and their 'language', but signs and gestures associated with these creatures.

This beautiful work features ten animal pictures, accompanied by unusual descriptions characterizing fish with thirst, frogs with beauty, monkeys with sadness, and a crocodile with cuteness.

Mari Takács and Tamás Vincze: Beszél a kéz 2. (Talking Hands II.)

Illustrated by Mari Takács and Tamás Vincze

Csimota Publ. House, Budapest, 2005

44 p . fully illustrated

Through the eyes of children, the ambulance siren and speeding motorcycles are all extremely interesting, especially when grandma is riding a motorbike. Kids like to imitate sounds like the whistle of the engine and the siren of the ambulance, and now they are offered signs and gestures to play with.

In the second volume of Talking Hands, our subject is city life. We present children the exciting world of public transportation while introducing sign language.

About the Illustrators

Mari Takács was born in Budapest in 1971. She has been a member of the Associated Studio of Young Applied Artists since 2002 and is now a member of the National Association of Hungarian Artists. In 2005, Tales about the Wonders of Life (Readers' Digest), and Fresh Ink (Csimota, Pagony) were published with her illustrations.

Tamás Vincze was born in Budapest in 1962. He has been deaf since seven months of age. He studied under Lajos Sváby at the Hungarian Academy of Fine Arts, graduating as a painter in 1987. In 1988, he completed his Master's degree in printmaking/graphic design. Currently he teaches drawing and painting and sign communications at the Nursery and Elementary School for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing.

János Lackfi: Bögre család (The Mug Family)

Illustrated by Kata Pap

Csimota Publ. House, Budapest, 2005

48 p., fully illustrated

Typical events of a family?s everyday-life are depicted in Lackfi?s delightful verse written for 4-7 year-old children, in which kids can identify with the characters of the Mug family. Each poem shows the life of one of the 8 members of the family from his point of view - holidays at Lake Balaton, playing music together, mighty quarrels, uncontrolled games ? situations probably very familiar to the reader.

Have you heard your child saying after a bedtime story: ?Just one more, pleeeaaase!? Each poem has its own different story, which, along with numerous illustrations, makes it possible to read the book as a series.

About the Author

János Lackfi is a writer, poet, translator and editor, awarded with the József Attila Award. The author has published poetry books, two novels and seventeen volumes of literary translations. In 2004, he was awarded Best Book of the Year by the International Board of Books for Young People (IBBY) for his poetry book, The Silly Grown-up. Lackfi is a professor at Péter Pázmány Catholic University and the editor of Nagyvilág Journal. He lives in Zsámbék with his wife and five children.

About the Illustrator

Kata Pap is a 27-year-old graphic artist who graduated in 2000 from the Graphic Arts and Visual Communication Department of the Esterházy Károly High School, Eger. She works as an applied graphic artist. Her main interest is the use of new, unusual techniques in illustrating tales and poems. In 2003, London Teddy Bears (3 booklets) were published with her illustrations.

Friss tinta! (Fresh Ink! Contemporary children?s poems)


László Barak, István Bella, Szilárd Borbély, István Csukás, István Eörsi, Vilmos Gryllus, Bálint Harcos, Attila Havasi, Attila Jász, Tamás Jónás, Péter Kántor, Sándor Kányádi, István Kemény, Levente Király, Ottó Kiss, András Ferenc Kovács, József Kőrössi P., Endre Kukorelly, János Lackfi, Noémi László, Mónika Mesterházi, Péter Sziámi Müller, Imre Oravecz, Lajos Parti Nagy, András Petőcz, Szil?rd Pokorny, Jenő Ranschburg, Gábor Schein, Anna Szabó T., Ákos Szilágyi, Dezső Tandori, Ottó Tolnai, Kriszta Tóth, Dániel Varró, András Visky, István Vörös, Tibor Zalán

Illustrated by Mari Takács

Csimota Publ. House, Budapest, 2005

160 p. with 30 illustrations

From the standpoint of both appearance and content, Fresh Ink! is an original anthology of contemporary Hungarian children?s poetry.

Almost 150 poems are divided into 10 cycles, one consisting of nursery rhymes for the youngest, another showing the difficulties of kindergarten-life or the average day in a family. There are poems about the seasons, animals, gibberish and nonsense verses, or pieces of poetry playing with different rhythms and the language. Fresh ink! gives an outstanding panorama of contemporary Hungarian children?s literature since all known poets living inside or outside Hungary and writing for children are among its authors..

The illustrations of Mari Takács are just as outstanding as the poems themselves, making Fresh ink! not just a regular anthology, but a truly unique book.

About the Illustrator

Mari Takács was born in Budapest in 1971. She has been a member of the Associated Studio of Young Applied Artists since 2002 and is now a member of the National Association of Hungarian Artists. In 2005, Tales about the Wonders of Life (Readers' Digest), and Fresh Ink! (Csimota, Pagony) were published with her illustrations.

István Vörös: A hajnali tolvaj (Dawn?s Thief)

Illustrated by Stany Spote and Annamária Ság

Csimota Publ. House, Budapest, 2004

48 p., fully illustrated

This fairy tale in verse is a reading labyrinth for secondary school children. The text presents an entirely new approach, both in genre and in structure. The author puts 'time' in the center of his piece and invites the reader to play with it.

Because of its unconventional structure, the reader is free to wander through rhymes, choosing different paths every time, weaving the story. It is like a puzzle that one can build in another way every time. Throughout the imaginary journey you will find hints in the narrative and the illustrations that guide you towards the possible routes and exits of the story labyrinth. Misi, the young protagonist witnesses someone stealing TIME. Thus begins the tale ...

About the Author

István Vörös is a poet, writer, and translator, winner of the the Déry, Milán Füst and Attila József Awards. He has published seven volumes of poetry, three volumes of short stories, and collections of essays and critical essays. He is Assistant Professor at Péter Pázmány Catholic University.

About the Illustrators

Stany Spote is a member of the Association of Hungarian Fine and Applied Artists. He graduated from the Royal Academy of Fine Arts in Brussels in 1995 as an illustrator and comic strip artist. In 1997, he also completed his studies in lithography (printmaking) and etching. Since 1998, he has taught drawing and painting, as well as French language at the Kálmán Könyves High School in Budapest.

His works have been published in The Wall Street Journal, Belgium, and the Alföld Journal. Magic Tunes (Európa Publisher Ltd., 2001), Clockwork by Bill Pullmann, The Read Coat (based on Voltaire's Jeannot and Collin) were also published using his cover art and illustrations.

Annamária Ság is a typographer and graphic designer. She graduated from the Royal Academy of Fine Arts in Brussels in 1997 as a painter and received the Award of the Royal Society of Belgian Artists.

Krisztina Tóth: Londoni mackók (London Teddy Bears)

Illustrated by Catherine Burke, István Csáki, Gergő Magyar, Kata Papp, Bori Rutkai, Hilda Simon, Csaba Szentesi

Csimota, Publ. House, Budapest, 2003

18 p., 10 booklets + box


Category Children and Youth Literature

This work is not an ordinary volume of poetry: it consists of ten small pamphlets, each containing two poems.

Marci is the young protagonist of these poems who discovers the world around him with an enthusiasm that only a four-year-old can feel. The first part of each pamphlet allows the reader to peek into Marci's everyday activities, questions and games. This is followed by a more lyrical poem that takes us to a world of dreams, a world of imagination and fairytales. After the busy daytime we find ourselves in the calm and wonder of the night. Each pamphlet is illustrated by a different young graphic artist, each with their own distinctive technique.

About the Author

Krisztina Tóth has won the Graves, Attila Jozsef and István Vas Awards and published three other volumes of poetry. She is also an acknowledged translator of contemporary French literature. Apart from poetry, she is interested in glass design.

János Lackfi, Krisztina Tóth, Dániel Varró: Állatok a tubusból (Animals from the Paint Tube)

Paintings selected by Róbert Alföldi

Artists featured in the album: Margit Anna; Imre Ámos; Endre Barzó; Gyula Batthány; Gitta Gyenes; Róbert Berény; Sándor Bortnyik; Béla Czóbel; Tivadar Csontváry-Kosztka; Noémi Ferenczy; Ernő Jeges; Béla Kádár; Béla Kontuly; Ödön Márffy; József Rippl-Rónay; Endre Rozsda; Hugó Scheiber; Armand Schönberger; Menyhért Tóth; Géza Vörös

Csimota Publ. House, Budapest, 2003

48 p. with 20 illustrations

We would like to present children aged 2-3 and all those who like paintings with two new picture books: Animals from the Paint Tube and Shapes from the Paint Tube.

The first album is a collection of paintings for children from the greatest twentieth century Hungarian artists featuring rhymes from three contemporary poets, namely János Lackfi, Krisztina Tóth, and Dániel Varró. Each painting is accompanied by a rhyme ending in a riddle, guiding children to find the animal in the painting.

About the Authors

János Lackfi is a writer, poet, translator, and editor, awarded with the Attila József Award. The author has published poetry, two novels and seventeen volumes of literary translations. In 2004, he was awarded Best Book of the Year by the International Board of Books for Young People (IBBY) for his collection of poetry, The Silly Grown-up. Lackfi is a professor at Péter Pázmány Catholic University and the editor of Nagyvilág Journal. He lives in Zsámbék with his wife and five children.

Krisztina Tóth has won the Graves, Attila Jozsef, and István Vas Awards and has published three other volumes of poetry. She is also an acknowledged translator of contemporary French literature. Apart from poetry, she is interested in glass design.

Dániel Varró's poems have been published in major newspapers since he was seventeen years old. Following the publication of his first collection of poetry, he wrote one of the most praised and well-known pieces of work in contemporary children?s literature, Over the Dirt-Mountain (Túl a Maszat-hegyen), a story for adults and children in verse. He has also translated several plays.

Tamás Jónás, Noémi László, Anna T. Szabó: Formák a tubusból (Shapes from the Paint Tube)

Paintings selected by Róbert Alföldi

Artists featured in the album: Endre Bálint, Jenő Barcsay, Sándor Bortnyik, Imre Bukta, El Kazovszkij, László Fehér, Ilka Gedő, Tihamér Gyarmathy, Lajos Kassák, Dezső Korniss, János Mattis Teutch, Ákos Matzon, László Moholy-Nagy, Farkas Molnár, István Nádler, Hugó Scheiber, Imre Szobotka, Lajos Tihanyi, Sándor Tóth, Béla Uitz, András Wahorn.

Csimota Publ. House, Budapest, 2004

48 p. with 20 illustrations

While selecting contemporary paintings for our second collection, our main concern was to present a variety of geometrical shapes and colours to young children, to see if they were able to find them in the pictures. Twenty paintings are accompanied by the poems of three contemporary poets, namely Tamás Jónás, Noémi László, and Anna T. Szabó. The rhymes help children to explore the subject of modern art.

About the Authors

Tamás Jónás has published four volumes of poetry. Currently he is working on a novel and a computer program and occasionally writes articles for a newspaper. He has received the Arany János Grant, Soros Grant and Herder Grant.

Noémi László has published four volumes of poetry and received the János Sziveri Award. At present, she lives in Kolozsvár.

Anna T. Szabó is a Attila Jozsef Award winning poet and a translator with three volumes published so far. She has written librettos and plays, translated radio series, a novel, essays, drama and poetry.

In preparation ? NEW!

Piroska és a farkas (Little Red Riding-Hood)

Little Red Riding-Hood, illustrated by Andrea Balogh

Little Red Riding-Hood, illustrated by András Baranyai

Little Red Riding-Hood, illustrated by Tibor Kárpáti

Little Red Riding-Hood, illustrated by Bori Rutkai

Little Red Riding-Hood, illustrated by Mari Takács

Csimota Publ. House, Budapest, 2006

24 p. each booklet, without a text

Csimota is making preparations for a special book series for the Bologna Children?s Bookfair, 2005. Perrault?s probably best-known tale: The Little Red Riding-Hood will be worked on by five young illustrators. The story of the world-famous tale is told without words, in pictures alone, showing the different style, interpretation and approach of each artist. The collection of 5 books will be presented in a box, bearing the first lines of the story in 20 languages, showing the long journey around the world of this tale.

About the Illustrators

Andrea Balogh, was born in 1970 in Budapest. She graduated from the Visual Communication branch of the Hungarian Academy of Fine Arts as a graphic artist. She worked formerly as illustrator for the weekly paper The Budapest Sun.

András Baranyai was born in 1974, graduated in 2004 from the Graphical branch of the Hungarian Academy of Fine Arts and has worked as an applied graphic artist ever since. His most important work so far was the illustration of a schoolbook for first grade elementary school students, published by Sulinova Kht. He likes to utilize computer graphics in his works, but uses manual techniques as well.

Tibor Kárpáti was born in 1978, graduated from the Graphical branch of the Hungarian Academy of Fine Arts, where he is currently attending the DLA training. Since 2001 he has presented his works at different international exhibitions: Italy, Portugal, Germany, France, the Netherlands, Mexico and Japan being the most important among them. He uses felt-tip pen and computer for his illustrations.

Bori Rutkai was born in 1973 in Budapest. She is a singer, lyricist, painter, animation designer and illustrator. Her illustrations for the present book were produced by the use of oil paint and computer.

Mari Takács was born in Budapest in 1971. She has been a member of the Associated Studio of Young Applied Artists since 2002 and is now a member of the National Association of Hungarian Artists. In 2005, Tales about the Wonders of Life (Readers' Digest), and Fresh Ink! (Csimota, Pagony) were published with her illustrations.