
Orsolya Wieber: Kiskarácsonyi Nagy Mikuláskönyv (Big Book of Santa Claus)

Illustrated by Katalin Szegedi

Édesvíz Publishers, Budapest, 2002

Number of pages: 124, fully illustrated, hardcover

Size: 240 mm x 350 mm

Orsolya Wieber?s story of dreams is an adventure full of humour, excitement and affection.

A brother and sister set our on an adventure one night from a little moonlit square in old Budapest on a search for Santa Claus. They are joined by children from all over the world because when children dream of Santa Claus, they are able to meet him that very night. They gather in a dusty attic and find a key hidden amongst all the old furniture and bric-a-brac. It is the key that opens up the universe of secrets in the Big Book of Santa Claus.

Katalin Szegedi?s lovingly crafted illustrations bring all our childhood dreams of Santa Claus to life.

Mária Szepes: Pöttyös Panni Hetedhétországban (Dotty Annie in Farawayland)

Illustrations by Ági Vass

Édesvíz Publishers, Budapest, 2005

132 p., fully illustrated

The last one in the Dotty Annie series, containing 14 books

Where is Farawayland? Annie?s granny always sits in the same armchair in the living room and she says that Farawayland is wherever you want it to be... And she?s right! Dotty Annie and her friend Pete travel through countless adventures before they reach the same conclusion. They sign a secret agreement in pure dragon?s blood, they discover a secret, underground cave and then they meet Charlie who is on a quest to find his long lost grandmother. We are at the end of the Dotty Annie series and Pete and Annie are now in their third year of nursery school. This book and the whole of the series are illustrated by the naive and charming drawings of Ági Vass.

The series is able to look back on a fifty-year-old tradition in Hungary, with 14 volumes and reprints demanded every year by generation after generation of children and parents alike.