MAGYAR KÖNYVKLUB - Jonathan Miller Publ.


Magyar Könyvklub

1546 Budapest

Gyula Böszörményi: Gergő és az álomfogók (Gergő and the Dream Catchers)

Illustrated by Noémi Fábián

Magyar Könyvklub /Jonathan Miller Publ., Budapest, 2002

543 p. with 70 black and white illustrations

Who would not like to have a talking baby wolf as a companion in his dreams to accompany him in his adventures? Gergő, the protagonist, is certainly one of them. His family unexpectedly receives an invitation to the Conference of Sorcerers, Wizards and Shamans. The conference which is to be held in the Bükk Mountains is threatened by a lot of different things: the leader of the goblin guerillas is trying to sabotage the meeting; the head keeper of the forest realizes that there is something going on in the woods and decides to get to the bottom of it; and Raven, the sorceress, is trying to rule people?s lives and dreams. Only Gergő could stop her, but he does not believe in magic and in the world of dreams. Raven is trying to kill the boy before he realizes who he is and what kind of power he has.

Gergő?s story is about us and for us: the main characters are Hungarian adults and children.

Gyula Böszörményi: Gergő és a bűbájketrec (Gergő and the Spell Cage)

Illustrated by Noémi Fábián

Magyar Könyvklub/Jonathan Miller Publ., Budapest, 2003

493 p. with 7+ black and white illustrations

Gergő, a wolf-shaman, and Zsófi, a student of the school of wizardry, are once again taking us to beautiful and magical places. They have managed to sneak into thousands of people?s dreams and now they are trying to reach the tip of the World Tree in order to find the secret name of the mythical stag and to bring a smile to the faces of those who have nightmares. The main characters of Gergő and the Dream Catchers reappear in this title.

Gyula Böszörményi: Gergő és a táltosviadal (Gergő and the Shaman Fight)

Illustrated by Noémi Fábián

Magyar Könyvklub/Jonathan Miller Publ., Budapest, 2004

478 p. with 70 black and white illustrations

You are all wrong if you believe that it is because of reconstruction that the subway is closed for the summer. In fact, it is the characters of fairyland who cause a lot of problems; people under their influence make a lot of trouble. The task of sorting things out is waiting for the students of the school of wizardry.

At the same time, Dreamland is in big trouble; the World Tree is not working and the Doors of Awakening are closed. Gergő, when chasing the fairies who are turning the lives of those who are aware upside down, gets stuck in Dreamland. He is trying to find Kende, the good shaman, who can help him to get back to the real world. The protagonist is helped and hindered by fairies, goblins and many other characters of Hungarian and Celtic mythology. Gergő and Zsófi who in the meantime have become real shamans and wizards are trying to save the world and are helping Kende shaman to get rid of the dark side of his soul and to go to see the Heavenly Father on the Big Dipper. The two protagonists are on the way to adulthood and encounter death, evanescence, disappointment ? and love.