
A tréfás farkas ? Magyar népmesék (The Funny Wolf ? Hungarian folktales)

Illustrated by Dóra Keresztes

Noran Publishing House, Budapest, 2005

112 p. with 12 illustrations

This book contains 43 well-known Hungarian folktale adaptations. All of the stories are funny, the characters tricky or wacky, smart or dumb, haughty or humble wild beasts. We recommend the book primarily to children between the age of 3 and 10. The folktales were illustrated by the well-known and beloved Hungarian artist, Dóra Keresztes.

A few titles: The Funny Wolf, The Hedgehog and the Rabbit, The Peaky Man?s Pudgy Piggy, The Wolf and the Fox pick up a Fish, The Piggy and the Wolves.

Katalin Scheer: Nefelé / Kalandos történet kedves és kedvetlen gyerekeknek ((Nefelé / An adventurous tale for chirpy and peevish children)

Illustrated by Berta Csíkszentmihályi

Noran Publishing House, Budapest, 2005

208 p. with about 20 illustrations

Katalin Scheer tells the story of two children in a botanical garden, a girl and a boy: Szofi and Boldizsár. One day Boldizsár becomes melancolic, nothing and no one can cheer him up anymore, but his friend, Szofi decides not to give up. All of a sudden help arrives: Nefelé, the small and naughty fairy, who explains to Szofi why Boldizsár lost his cheer and how she can help him. With this story, Katalin Sheer was the runner-up in the competition called ?Our Sweet Native Language? in Hungary, 2004.

This exciting story has illustrations which perfectly catch the atmosphere of the botanical garden, the characters and this adventure.