
Place, date of birth: Léva, August 21, 1940
1124 Budapest, Gébics u. 20. Hungary
Phone: (36 1) 319 8421
E-mail: gaaleva@freemail.hu

Secondary School of Fine and Applied Arts, Budapest
Foundation of Fine Arts (Művészeti Alap), Association of Hungarian National Creative Artist (Magyar Alkotómuvészek Országos Egyesülete)

I heve been illustrated more than 100 books, 15 among them were written by myself. Many of my books have been published on foreign languages.
Foundation and management of "Porszem Publisher"
My objective: leading children to the Bible. I consider art as a mission.
Since 1985
I have been illustrated the Bible, written and illustrated religious books.
Collaborator on a part-time basis at the Hungarian Televison, preparation of short animated cartoons for children.
Since 1963
I heve been illustrating children's and youth's books.

I heve participated in many individual and collective exhibitions in Hungary and abroad as well.

1st prize at the competition "Reformation and Hungarians": 2000
IBBY award (The children book illustration of the year): 1990
Award of the Advisory Office for Fine Arts: 1990
BIB plaquette (Biennale of Illustrations Bratislava): 1987
Diploma, International Children books Competition Japan, illustrated by the writer: 1982
Speciel award from the Ministry of Culture: 1984, 1986
Diploma "Beautiful books": 1974, 1980, 1982, 1983, 1985
High-level awards for some of the books: 1979, 1980, 1982, 1983, 1984

Children and youth book written and illustrated by me:
Árva-sziget és Hoség-sziget (Orphan-islet and Fidelity-islet) 2003, Porszem Publisher
Irigy-sziget és Öröm-sziget (Envy-islet and Happiness-islet) 2002, Porszem Publisher
Békeföld és Manilend (Peaceempire end Moneyland) 2002, Porszem Publisher
Eltévedt méhecske (The lost Honey bee) 2001, Porszem Publisher
Csoda a kalitkában (Miracle in the cage) 2000, Porszem Publisher
Fogd a kezem! (Teke my hands!) 2000, Porszem Publisher
Az igazi szeretet (The real love) 1998, Porszem Publisher Csibész (Fellow) 1997, Porszem Publisher
Jézussal egy hajóban (With Jesus in the same boat) 1995, Kálvin Publisher
Zárójelben (In parentheses) 1995, Evangéliumi Publisher
Elefántföldön (Elephant's Land) 1990; Móra Publisher Bohóckönyv (Clown-book) 1984, Móra Publisher
Zoknidakszli és sokan mások (Socksdog and meny others) 1973, Móra Publisher
Óra-sziget (Clock-islet) under publication
Safir and Safina - Parrot's book"