
I was born on 10th January, 1956 in Alsónémedi. After graduating from secondary school I became member of an amateur art group (Környezetalakító Munkacsoport ? Environment Forming Working Group), which operated until 1986. During this period we painted colourful and amusing pictures on walls and wallboards of 21 institutions (schools for handicapped children, children's wards in hospitals, waiting rooms for children) according to our own plans. From 1983 I improved my drawing skills at Dési Huba Drawing Group for three years under György Konga?s guidance. In the meanwhile I applied to the University of Applied Arts, and then to the University of Fine Arts, but my applications were rejected. In 1987 I received a certificate in window dressing and decoration. I learnt the techniques of painting with oil in an autodidactic way in 1978, but I created my first significant work only in 1986. Since then I have been painting and participating in exhibitions on a regular basis. During the summer of 1990 I produced several panel paintings for the waiting room of the children's health centre in Békásmegyer. I participated in the National Grotesque and Mail Art exhibitions several times, and in 1992 I won the prize of the Association of Hungarian Fine and Applied Artists. Currently three paintings of mine (The Blind, Little Ship on the Sea of Dreams, The Heart Aches So Much) are on a world tour with a collection of 62 selected works of art in a travelling exhibition organized by the Danish company Lundbeck.

Main exhibitions:

1986 Belvárosi Ifjúsági Ház (Central Youth House)
l987 Egyetemi Színpad (University Theatre)
l991 Kaposvár ? Community Cultural Institution, exhibition of the Yesterday group
l995 Üröm Community Cultural Institution
1996 Fano-Italy, Mail Art
1997 Egyetemi Szinpad (University Theatre)
1999 Fortuna Restaurant, Buda Castle
2003 Millenáris Park (Millenary Park), the exhibition of the Association of Children?s Book Authors and Illustrators
2004 Monostorapáti, the exhibition of the Association of Children?s Book Authors and Illustrators
2004 Dél-budai Művelődési Központ (Community Cultural Institution in South Buda), the exhibition of the Association of Children?s Book Authors and Illustrators
2005 Budapest, Westend Hilton Hotel, the exhibition of the Danish company Lundbeck

Selection of published works

Book covers for Szépirodalmi Publishing House in the 1980s
Illustrations for the publications of the Raabe Publishing House since 2000
Illustrations for the multimedia CD of the PIM Média in 2006