
Mari Takács
Place of birth:
Budapest, Hungary
Date of birth:
December 04, 1971

? Secondary school of Fine and Applied Arts
? College of Design and Decoration
? Hungarian Academy of Arts, Crafts and Design - High level Typography course

Job experience:
10 years of an Advertising Agency

since 2002-FISE (Studio of Young Artists & Designers)
since 2003-MAOE (National Association of Hungarian Artists)
since 2004-Typosalon

Personal Exhibition:
? Central Europe University - Budapest 1997 (tale illustrations)
? Mariland-Kilátó Gallery - Budapest 2002 (tale illustrations +Patterned canvas series)
? Mariland2-FISE Gallery - Budapest 2004 (illustrations)

Group Exhibition:
? Triennial 100 Cities (Print Triennial 97) - Kraków (Poland)
? Diploma Exhibition - Tölgyfa Gallery 1997
? 11. Graphic Design Biennial in Békéscsaba 1998
? Joint Exhibition with Kurucz Ildikó fashion designer at the FISE Gallery 2003
? FISE-Csiga Gallery (Millenáris) 2003
? Public-Underpass - Desidea (FKE+FISE) 2004
? Interior Furnishing - Műcsarnok 2004
? Love in children?s book - Csiga Gallery (Millenáris) 2004
? Humor in children?s book - Marczibányi Community Centre 2004
? Interior Furnishing - Műcsarnok 2005
? Joint Exhibition with MANA group at the Inter-Europa Bank 2005

Published illustrations:
? Advertisement
? Magazines
? Boomerang-Freecards
? Books
? Internet