
Born on June 22, 1971 in Budapest;
From 1990, student of the Hungarian Academy of Fine Arts in Budapest, majoring in printmaking;
Graduated in 1995;
Between 1995 and 1996, completed his master's course under Róbert Kőnig's guidance;

Group Exhibitions
1994 International Illustrators' Exhibition, Bologna;
1995 Homage to Piranesi, Museum of Fine Arts, Budapest;
1996 Biennial Exhibition of Graphic Arts, Miskolc; Autumn Art Show, Hódmezővásárhely;
1997 National Drypoint Exhibition, Vigadó Gallery, Budapest; Hungarian Saloon, Art Hall, Budapest; Young Graphic Artists, Domb Gallery, Szentendre;
1998 ?Trace 98? Biennial Exhibition of Graphic Arts, Paris; Autumn Art Show, Hódmezővásárhely; Grand Marché d'Art Contemporain, Paris; In Memoriam László Bartha, Masterpiece Gallery, Veszprém; Art Gallery, Szombathely;
1999 Grand Marché d'Art Contemporain, Paris; Salon 1999, Espace Eiffel Branly, Paris; Autumn Art Show, Hódmezővásárhely;
2000 Grand Marché d'Art Contemporain, Paris; Biennial Exhibition of Graphic Arts, Miskolc; Small Format 2000, Vigadó Gallery, Budapest; Exhibition with graphic artist Pierre Delvincourt, Le Mans;
2001 Grand Marché d'Art Contemporain, Paris; Orbis Pictus, Veszprém; Graveurs du Monde, exhibition with graphic artist István Orosz within the framework of MAGYART, Crocq;
2002 100 Female Breasts, Mertz Club, Budapest; Grand Marché d'Art Contemporain, Paris; Small Format 2002, Vigadó Gallery, Budapest; Garden, Fióka Art, Budapest;
2003 Myths and Urban Miracles, exhibition with Attila Etele Kiss, Mihály Munkácsy Museum, Békéscsaba; Grand Marché d'Art Contemporain, Paris; Petit Format, Espace Lucrece, Paris;
2004 Biennial Exhibition of Graphic Arts, Miskolc; Autumn Art Show, Hódmezővásárhely; KOGART Saloon, Budapest; Exhibition with enamel artist Ágnes Bartha, Espace Lucrece, Paris; Aquarelles & Gravures, exhibition with painter Anne-Marie Lefranc, Fargues; Salon International de la Gravure, Maison du Bailli, Morhange; Les Variations Possibles, exhibition of the artists of Domb Creative Workshop, Espace Cinko, Paris;

Individual Exhibitions
1995 ART-X Gallery, Budapest;
1996 Saint Peray, France;
1997 Masterpiece Gallery, Veszprém;
1999 BÁV Contemporary Gallery, Budapest;
2001 Masterpiece Gallery, Veszprém; Danube Gallery, Budapest;
2002 Views of Miskolc, Rákóczi House, Miskolc and Gallery IX, Budapest; New Theater, Budapest;
2003 Studio Drawings, Trafik Gallery, Budapest;

Prizes, Scholarships
1993 Barcsay Prize;
1995 Barcsay Prize;
1998 Prize of the National Association of Hungarian Artists (MAOE), Autumn Art Show, Hódmezővásárhely;
1999 One-month scholarship from Zsennye Workshop Society; Grant from the National Cultural Fund of Hungary (NKA); Grand prize, Chain Bridge Competition; Bronze medal, Salon 1999, Espace Eiffel Branly, Paris;
2001 Prize of the town of Veszprém, Orbis Pictus, Veszprém;

Illustrations, Publications
Carmina Burana; Kötet Publishing, 1996;
János Oláh, Vérszerződés; Magyar Napló Publishing, 2001;
Új s új lovat, Poems of Endre Ady; Tiara Publishing, 2003;
Mihály Babits, Jónás Könyve; Tiara Publishing, 2004;
Magyar Napló, October 1997, January 2003;
Új Művészet, February 2002;
Art Mozaik, 03/2003;
Nouvelles de l?Estampe, July-September 2004