Sándor CSALA


Date of birth: 28th March 1975, Szekszárd, HUNGARY
Degrees & Studies:
2001 Degree, Hungarian Academy of Fine Arts, Graphic Design Department, Visual Education Department
1995-2001 Hungarian Academy of Fine Arts, Graphic Design Department, Visual Education Department
1st February - 31st May, University of Art and Design Helsinki
1993-1995 Drawing Department of Daniel Berzsenyi Teacher Training College
1989-1993 Secondary School of Art, Pécs

2006 Second prize of poster competition of II. Alba Regia International Film Festival 2000 Erasmus scholarship, University of Art and Design Helsinki, Helsinki, Finland 1998 Second prize of Deutsche Telekom competition, Communication
Membership: Association of Hungarian Creative Artists, Studio of Young Artists and Designers, Association of Authors and Illustrators of Children?s book

Solo Exhibitions:
1994 Daniel Berzsenyi Teacher Training College, Szombathely 2005 Gallery of Studio of Young Artists and Designers, Budapest

Group Exhibitions:
2006 XIV. Hungarian Graphic Design Biennale, Applied Art Museum, Budapest
2005 Exhibition, competition of Csodaceruza magazine, Örökmozgó Filmmúzeum
Tóparti Grammar School and Secondary School of Art, Székesfehérvár
Exhibition of Gold drawing-pin competition, Gödör Club, Budapest
Poster competition of Cordelia Foundation, Millenáris Park, Budapest
2004 Annual exhibition of FISE, Duna Gallery, Budapest
Exhibition of Gold drawing-pin competition, MKISZ Gallery, Budapest
Exhibition, Association of Authors and Illustrators of Children?s book, Cultural
Center of Marczibányi Tér, Budapest
XIV. Hungarian Graphic Design Biennale, Mihaly Munkácsy Museum,Békéscsaba, FISE, Klostergalerie, Zehdenick (Germany)
2003 XIII. Hungarian Graphic Design Biennale, Applied Art Museum, Budapest
Group Exhibition of Studio of Young Artists and Designers, Millenáris Park, Bp.
Exhibition of Gold drawing-pin competition, Wam Design Gallery, Budapest
István Csók Gallery, Budapest
2002 Exhibition of Young Artists, Festetics castle, Dég
XIII. Hungarian Graphic Design Biennale, Mihaly Munkácsy Museum,Békéscsaba
2001 Sara Lee competition, Great hall of Hungarian Academy of Fine Arts, Budapest
Exhibition of students of Graphic Department and Graphic Design Department of Hungarian Academy of Fine Arts, Budapest
1998 Deutsche Telekom competition, ?Communication?, Barcsay hall of Hungarian Academy of Fine Arts, Budapest Exhibition of Young Artists, Fundamenta Bank, Budapest
1995 Exhibition of sudents of Drawing Department of Daniel Berzsenyi Teacher Training College, MMIK, Szombathely
1994 Exhibition of 2nd year sudents of Drawing Department of Daniel Berzsenyi Teacher Training Collage, Pável Ágoston Students? Hostel, Szombathely
1992 Exhibition of students of Secondary Art School of Pécs, Pécs
1990 Exhibition of students of Secondary Art School of Pécs, Youth House, Pécs
He was on study tour in Rome, Florence, Siena, Venice, Ravenna, Helsinki, Lappland, St.Petersburg, and Wienna.
In 2002 he works as civilian service on the Graphic Department and Graphic Design Department of Óbudai Secondary Art School
From 2005 he teach graphic and graphic design at the Graphic Department of Tóparti Grammar School and Secondary School of Art.