
Born in Budapest, 1953. Graduated from the Hungarian Academy of Fine Arts, member of the Association of Hungarian Creative Artists, of the Association of Hungarian Graphic Artists, of the Hungarian Society of Creators of Artistic Books, of the Society of Hungarian Paper-Arts, of the Progression Society, of the Association of Tapestry Artists and of the Society of Hungarian Illustrators.

Selected Individual exhibitions

1988 ? Institute of Finnish-Hungarian Relations (Helsinki)

1989 ? Studio Gallery, ?Kaleidoscope? (Budapest)

1990 ? Young Artists? Club, ?Photo? (Budapest)

1991 ? Alternahr, ?50 Engravings + 3 Lito? (Germany)

1994 ? Vígadó Gallery (Budapest)

1995 ? Budapest Cultural Centre, ?Green Fire? (Budapest)

1997 ? French Institute, ?Il Pleut? (Budapest)

1998 ? Goethe Institut, ?Maya? (Budapest)

1999 ? Peter-Paul Gallery, ?Corpus? (Szentendre)

2001 ? Tower Gallery at Margaret Island (Budapest)

2001 ? ?Textile?, Körmend Gallery (Sopron)

Selected awards

1989 ? Graphics Biennial, Tihany, Prize of MKM

1991 ? 16th National Graphics Biennale, Miskolc, Prize of MKM

1992 ? Prize of the 9th International Miniature Textile Bienn.

1994 ? 7th National Drawings Biennale, Salgótarján ? Special Prize

1995 ? Prize of the 23th Salgótarján Spring Exhibition

1996 ? Mobile World ? 8th Spec. Issue ? the Illustr. of the Year Prize

1998 ? 16th National Graphics Biennial, Miskolc, MOL Prize

1998 ? Prize of the 12th Hungarian Textile Biennale, Szombathely

2001 ? Munkácsy Mihály Prize

2002 ? Prize of National Graphic Biennale (Miskolc)

2002 ? Triennale of Paper Art, MGSZ Prize (Kaposvár)

2005 ? Hungart Scholarship

Selected books published

1985 ? Csaba Mátyás Dr.: Woods, trees... (Móra)

1986 ? Lívia Mohás: Who Konws What Success Is? (Móra)

1987 ? Leena Krohn: In Human Dress (Móra)

1989 ? Imre Montágh: Language Refinement (Múzsák)

1995 ? P. and A. Ehrlich: The Extinction of the Species (Göncöl)

1996 ? Hand-made Shoes (Könemann)

?A good illustration illuminates, develops, discloses, reveals, explains and embellishes the inner world of the text and of the illustrator.?