István DAMÓ


Born in Nagyszeben, 1951. Graduated from the Academy of Fine Arts in Bucharest. Member of the Association of Hungarian Creative Artists, the Association of Hungarian Graphic Artists, of the Hungarian Artists Association of Books as Art Objects, of the Society of Hungarian Paper-Arts, of the Workshop Art Association and of the Society of Hungarian Illustrators.

Selected Individual exhibitions

1983 ? Town Gallery (Sepsiszentgyörgy)

1987 ? Gallery of Brashov Papers (Brasov)

1991 ? Town Community Centre (Nagykőrös)

1992 ? Teacher Training College (Kecskemét)

1993 ? Ferenc Erdei Community Centre (Kecskemét)

1993 ? Hungarian Culture Centre (Stockholm)

1997 ? House of Writers (Budapest)

Selected awards, scholarships

1993 ? International Book Exhibition ? 1st Prize (Bucharest)

1995 ? Contemporary poetry, graphic art (Kecskemét)

1996 ? Golden Pen-nib National Illustration Exhibition (Beograd)

1996 ? Spring Festival (Kecskemét)

1998 ? Small Graphic Montana Inguana (Italy)

1999 ? 4TH Grotesque Exhibition, MGSz Prize (Kaposvár)

2000 ? International Graphic Biennale, special prize (China)

Selected books published

1986 ? Tsango folk tales (Kriterion)

1987 ? Thorn (Ion Creanga)

1988 ? István Fekete: Thistle Castle (Kriterion)

1988 ? Greek Myths (Kriterion)

1989 ? Shakespeare Tales (Kriterion)

1989 ? Good Bye Elephant (Ion Creanga)

1990 ? István Fekete: Winter Grove (Kriterion)

1996 ? Artúr Bárdos B.: On Border of Borders (Tevan)

2000 ? A Literary Reader (Krónika Nova)

2003 ? Zsuzsa Muskát: Sakes! (Móra)

?A good illustration entails several features: intuition, empathy, good drawing, colour, and it must reflect the personality. I consider it an independent genre. I would like to work on a book whereby illustration is not a mere accompanying graphic image to the text, but is equally important, the two unite and the text too becomes part of the visual experience.?