Jacques Loussier to Play Varnus Birthday Concert


Varnus, who will celebrate his 45th birthday at the concert, asked Loussier to join him at the Palace of Arts, even preparing the outline of a programme, and the living legend accepted the offer. The two musicians will practice together for the concert for three weeks in the North of France.

Nothing has been revealed about the concert programme, other than that it will showcase Bach's greatest and best known works, mixed into a jazz mosaic.
The Loussier Trio - with Loussier on piano, Christian Garros on percussion and Pierre Michelot on bass - has sold more than 200 million albums since releasing Play Bach in 1959.
Varnus has established a devoted following over the years and four of his albums have gone platinum. "Thousands love him, many attack him, because like Bernstein he has created his own genre, broken boundaries and shattered taboos," according to the Palace of Arts' web site.
Source: Hungarian News Agency (MTI)