Jazz Days To Warm Szeged on November 10?11


The Creative Art Trio, with members György Vukán, Balázs Berkes and Elemér Balázs, will start the event with a concert at 20:00 on Friday, November 10. The trio will pay a special tribute to Aladár Pege during the evening. The great Hungarian bass player Pege died just a few weeks earlier.

After the Creative Art Trio, the David Murray Quartet will play. Murray is one of the best known tenor saxophone players in the world. One of the members of his trio, Jaribu Shahid, has already played in Szeged, with Roscoe Mitchell.

On Saturday, two jazz greats from Norway will play: Jan Garbarek and Terje Rypdal. Afterward, SBB, a progressive jazz-rock band from Poland, will play. And, as a finale, Jozef Skrzek and Anthymos Apostolis will be joined by their Hungarian friends Tamás Somló and Gábor Németh.

Source: www.fidelio.hu