Jewish Summer Festival Planned for August 27 - September 3


On the festival?s first evening, Vivaldi?s ?Juditha Triumphans? will be performed by Germany?s Ochester Jakobsplatz, conducted by Daniel Grossmann, in the Rumbach Street Synagogue.

An international cantor concert will be held at the Dohány Street Synagogue on August 27, with the participation of Israel Rand (Israel), Simon Cohen (Israel), László Fekete and Zoltán Neumark on piano. A memorial concert conducted by Domonkos Héja and dedicated to Ödön Pártos will be held at the same venue on the following day.
?Golem or the Rise and Fall of Idols? is a chamber opera to be performed on the same day at the Belvárosi Theatre, with the participation of dancers András M Kecskés and Rita Góbi and singers László Fekete and Zsuzsánna Dénes.

On August 29, the Dohány Street Synagogue will be the venue for Mendelssohn?s Violin Concerto in D minor, to be performed by Vadim Gluzman and the Ferenc Liszt Chamber Orchestra.

?Sfaradi Melodies? will be performed by Eszter Horgas, Adél Kováts, Béla Lakatos Szakcsi and György Vukán on the same day at the Belvárosi Theatre.

The Budapest Klezmer Band will be joined by Roby Lakatos and his orchestra for ?Klezmer Jazz? at the Dohány Street Synagogue on August 30 and a concert performance of the opera ?Samson and Delilah? will be staged at the same venue on the following day.

The Uránia Cinema will host the Yiddish Theatre?s production ?Lola Blau? on September 2 and the Klezmer-musical ?Dance with the Bride? will be staged at the Budapest Operetta Theatre on the day after.

The festival will once again include a book fair and exhibitions, while films will be shown at the Örökmozgó and Odeon Lloyd cinemas.

The festival is organised by the Jewish Tourism and Cultural Centre of the Budapest Jewish Community.