John Malkovich Among Headliners at Budapest Spring Festival


Zsófia Vitézy
Malkovich will bring Infernal Comedy ? Confession of a serial Killer to Budapest, said Budapest Festival Centre managing director Zsófia Vitézy. The piece, about the Austrian serial killer Jack Unterweger, is ?no light matter?, she added.
Vitézy said she hoped to arrange a question and answer session with Malkovich and screen a selection of his films during the festival.
Next year?s festival has been shortened to ten days because of a drastic reduction in funding, but the programme is still sure to please.
Among the other headliners who have been booked are the virtuoso violinist Maxim Vengerov with the Russian National Orchestra and the Romanian pianist Mihaela Ursuleasa.
Next year?s festival will open with a performance of Hortobágy, a soundtrack composed by the rarely heard composer László Lajtha on the 120th anniversary of his birth.
Festival-goers will get to see the flamenco master dancer and choreographer Israel Galván for the first time in Hungary, and jazz fans will be pleased to see Gary Burton and Chick Corea in the lineup.
A series of impromptu concerts involving choirs all over the capital will take place on March 25 to mark the 130th anniversary of the Hungarian composer Zoltán Kodály. The programme will wind up with a flash mob on 56-ers Square.
The Hungarian premiere of Händel?s opera Hercules is on the spring festival programme, as is a performance of Caragiale?s comedy Carnival, by the Sibiu Theatre under the direction of Silviu Purcarete.
The festival will close with a performance by the violinist Kirstóf Baráti with the UK?s Royal Philharmonic Orchestra under the baton of Charles Dutoit on March 26.
Source: Hungarian News Agency (MTI)