Jövő Háza To Screen Jancsó All Weekend


The screenings on September 30 and October 1 will be free of charge and offer old Jancsó fans a chance to rediscover the great filmmaker and younger filmgoers to see some of his classic older works.

An exhibition of photographs by Magda B. Müller will also be on display during the screenings.

Jövő Háza, or ?House of the Future?, is located in the Millenáris Park, a short walk from Moskva tér.

The programme:

Saturday, September 30

10:00 Cantata (Oldás és kötés) - 1963, black and white, 107 minutes
12:00 The Round-up (Szegénylegények) - 1965, black and white, widescreen, 95 minutes
13:45 The Red and the White (Csillagosok, katonák) - 1967, black and white, widescreen, 90 minutes
15:30 Silence and Cry (Csend és kiáltás) - 1968, black and white, widescreen, 83 minutes
17:30 The Confrontation (Fényes szelek) - 1968, colour, widescreen, 82 minutes
19:00 Winter Wind (Sirokkó) - 1969, colour, widescreen, 78 minutes
20:30 Agnus Dei (Égi bárány) - 1970, colour, 93 minutes
22:15 Red Psalm (Még kér a nép) - 1971, colour, 87 minutes
24:00 Private Vices, Public Virtue (Vizi privati, publiche virtu) - 1975, Italian, colour, 100 minutes

Sunday, October 1

02:00 Hungarian Rhapsody (Magyar rapszódia) - 1978, colour, 103 minutes
04:00 Allegro Barbaro - 1978, colour, 79 minutes
05:30 Season of Monsters (Szörnyek évadja) - 1986, colour, 90 minutes
07:15 Dawn ( L'aube) - 1986, French, colour, 100 minutes
09:15 God Walks Backward (Isten hátrafelé megy) - 1990, colour, 95 minutes
11:00 Blue Danube Waltz (Kék Duna keringő) - 1991, colour, 95 minutes
12:45 The Lord's Lantern in Budapest (Nekem lámpást adott kezembe az Úr, Pesten) - 1998, colour, 100 minutes
14:45 Your Mother! The Mosquitos (Anyád! A szúnyogok) - 1999, colour, 80 minutes
16:30 Last Supper at the Arabian Gray Horse (Utolsó vacsora az Arabs szürkénél) - 2000, colour, 80 minutes

Source: port.hu