József Pálinkás Elected Head of Academy


Pálinkás, who heads the Sciences Faculty at the University of Debrecen, received 276 of 476 votes at the general assembly. László Somlyódy, a member of the faculty of the Budapest University of Technology and Economics' Waterworks and Environmental Engineering faculty, received 165 votes, and Tamás Roska, a research professor at the academy's Computer Science and Automisation Research Institute as well as the head of the IT department at the Pázmány Péter Catholic University, received 31 votes.

Pálinkás said the academics' most important task is to follow scientific developments around the world and to determine a path for Hungary in the sciences and in scientific policy. Speaking about the question of financing for the sciences, Pálinkás said it must be determined in which areas of the sciences Hungary is on the cutting edge and in which areas it requires support in order not to fall behind the rest of the world.

Outgoing President of the Academy of Sciences E. Szilveszter Vizi congratulates József Pálinkás

The general assembly elected Tamás Németh the academy's new chief secretary. Németh, who heads the academy's Land and Agrochemistry Research Institute, received 235 of 446 votes for the post, beating Gábor Pálinkás, who heads the academy's Chemistry Research Centre, and Csaba Pléh, the academy's chief secretary until now.

Source: Hungarian News Agency (MTI) / Bruzák Noémi MTI