Kalocsa Celebrates Father of Cybernetic Art


The exhibition opened on Monday at the Nicolas Schöffer Collection in Kalocsa, where Schöffer was born.
Kalocsa Mayor Ferenc Török said at the opening that he hoped the exhibition would raise the profile of Schöffer?s heritage among youth.
?Light, reflection, transparency and the change of colours were phenomena that kept Schöffer occupied. He believed that the guided use of light in contemporary art was a most flexible and diverse art form which primarily aims to link and merge art objects with their environment,? said Nicolas Schöffer Collection director Eszter Tamás.
Waldemar Mattis-Teutsch, a member of the third generation of a dynasty of famous Transylvanian artists, said he swapped a paintbrush for a laser beam early in his career. 
The exhibition runs until April 8.