Katalin Tímár Picked as Biennale Curator


Tímár, who is an art historian at the Ludwig Museum, will oversee the installation of the architect Andreas Fogarasi's Kultur und Freizeit at the pavilion. Fogarasi lives in Vienna, but is of Hungarian descent and works with Hungarian cultural centres.
The jury evaluating applicants for curator were to have made a choice on Monday, but the decision was delayed until Thursday. The jury had picked another application earlier - albeit one with minor formal problems - and presented it to the Ministry of Education and Culture; the ministry, however, failed to overlook these problems and rejected the application as invalid, Petrányi explained.
The jury, whose members included Edit András, Géza Boros, Attila Nemes, Julianna P. Szűcs and Lívia Páldi, then met on Thursday to decide among the eight candidates whose applications met all of the formal requirements. They chose Tímár.
Petrányi noted that the time was too short to call another tender for curator.
Applicants for curator were required to submit a professional concept for the pavilion, the CV of the artist whose work would be shown, a budget (not to exceed HUF 30 million) and a schedule for implementing the project.
The 52nd Vienna Biennale is slated to take place between June 10 and November 21, 2007.
At the 51st Vienna Biennale, the curator for the Hungarian Pavilion was Péter Fritz. The installation was "An Experiment in Navigation" by Balázs Kicsiny.