Katona Jószef Theatre Performs in Poland


The storyline of the play, by András Vinnai and Viktor Bodó, follows that of Kafka?s novel The Trial, but all of the scenes have been changed to bring the whole story closer ?with the intention of creating something new?, the theatre says.
?Josef K. is arrested. First he thinks that the events are a result of his colleagues? bad joke on his birthday, but later he understands that nothing is as he has imagined. After this point his story completely lacks dramaturgical turning points. The tribunal of existence, the women who want to help him, and his own obsession more and more compel him to a battle, which he cannot win because he does not even know against whom and why he has to fight.?
The characters of RATTLEDANDDISAPEARED try to cope with unsupportable burdens and nobody is taken seriously, the Katona József Theatre says.
The aim of the Demoludy International Theatre Festival ?is to prepare space for multicultural dialogue in East European countries?, according to the organisers.
Hungary?s Maladype Theatre also brought their production Egg(s)Hell to the festival.
Source: Hungarian News Agency (MTI)