Katona József Theatre Plays in Washington


The production was written by Krisztián Grecsó based on a play by Jenő Józsi.
?I took Tersánszky?s start of the play and developed it further, broke a fairy-tale world into pieces and created a contemporary story which unfolds with uninhibited cruelty,? Grecsó wrote in an introduction to the production.
?I wrote Gypsies at the request of director Gábor Máté who wanted to understand the age we are living in. Then it turned out that we all have to search for ourselves in this because mutual hatred, continuous fear and the longing for peace are perhaps the most important things (not) happening today in this country,? Grecsó wrote.
Washington?s National Philharmonic Orchestra performed Bartók classics at the Kennedy Center on March 8 and 10 as part of the series, and Hungary?s Takács Quartet played works by Schubert, Bartók and Beethoven at a concert on March 13.
Source: Hungarian News Agency (MTI) / Photo: 7ora7.hu