Kertész Book Makes Croatian Best-of-2008 List



Inclusion on the list, based on a poll of more than a thousand people, including writers, critics, booksellers, librarians and readers, is a significant acknowledgement, says Xenia Detoni, Kertész's Croatian translator.

Reviews of Galley Diary, in which Kertész writes about the Holocaust, his novels and his visit to Buchenwald, were written for four Croatian dailies -- Vjesnik, a Jutarnji List, a Slobodna Dalmacija és a Novi List -- in December.
So far, eight Kertész books have been published in Croatia. Publishers Fraktura have printed Fatelessness, Kaddish for an Unborn Child, The Fiasco, Liquidation, The English Flag and Galley Diary. Two books Kertész wrote with Péter Esterházy, another one of Hungary's most important contemporary authors, were also published in Croatian, one by Fraktura and the other by publishing house Durieux.
Detoni, who translated all of these books, said the publication of Kertész's Dossier K in Croatian is in the preparation stages.
Source: Hungarian News Agency (MTI)