Kispál és a Borz Celebrates 20th Anniversary



The tour will kick off in Nyíregyháza on November 30 and end with a grand finale in Pécs on December 28. The band will be joined in Pécs by the Csík String Ensemble (Attila Szabó, Tamás Kunos and Szalonna István Pál) and Juci Németh.

The Kispál és a Borz Tour
Nov. 30. Nyíregyháza - Club Arsenal
Dec. 1. Debrecen - Lovarda
Dec. 7. Győr - PÁGISZ and ÁMK
Dec. 8. Budapest - PECSA
Dec. 14. Veszprém - Expresszó
Dec. 21. Szolnok - Borostyán Community House
Dec. 22. Békéscsaba - Youth Club
Dec. 28. Pécs Sports Hall

"Like Illés in the 60s, Locomotiv GT in the 70s and Európa Kiadó in the 80s, Kispál és a Borz presented the strongest rock performances of the 1990s, even if they were not always the biggest selling band. It has become clear by now that front man András Lovasi has grown into a singer of his generation, whose acerbic humour and unique lyrics, rich in metaphor, can only be matched by some of the best, such as Bródy, Dusán, Hobó and Jenő Menyhárt," Béla Jávorszky and János Sebők write of the band in their book Hungarian Rock History.

András Kispál, András Lovasi, Rezső Ózdi and Gábor Brautigäm established Kispál és a Borz - the name translates literally as "Little Paul and the Badger" - in December 1987. Their first concert was at the College of Education in Pécs, and their first LP, produced by Feró Nagy, was released in 1991.