Klebelsberg Culture Centre Launches Internet Portal


The portal aims to make information available quickly and clearly on Hungarian cultural events, education programmes and related news around the world, Klebelsberg Culture Centre director István Dolhai said. Hungarians living inside and outside of the country can also exchange information and start dialogues using the portal, he added.
András Porkoláb, one of the portal?s developers, also said it was intended to function not just as a place to collect information but a social networking site.
Registered users of the portal will have the chance to set up sub-portals for specific events, allowing them to post and independently edit event news on a unified platform accessible to all professionals. The sub-portals will have their own email addresses and can be connected to social networking sites such as Facebook and Twitter.
The Klebelsberg Culture Centre is covering the 2-3 million forint cost of operating the site, said Dolhai.
Source: Hungarian News Agency (MTI)