KOGART Shows Fresh Europe


 The exhibition, which runs from July 26 until September 15, 2007, includes work by artists from Hungary, Poland, the Czech Republic, Slovenia, and Austria. The works include paintings, sculpture and multimedia.

The exhibition, planned with the co-operation of the Hungarian Academy of Fine Arts, is to become a regular event: KOGART plans to exhibit the work of the best new art school graduates each year from now on.
To coincide with Fresh Europe, KOGART will show works by the teachers of some of the young Hungarian exhibitors. They include József Gaál, András Halász, György Jovánovics, Ádám Kéri, Imre Kocsis, Tamás Körösényi, Pál Kő, Dóra Maurer, Gábor Nagy, Sándor Rétfalvi, Tibor Somorjai Kiss, Árpád Szabados, Ernő Tolvaly, Zoltán Tölg-Molnár and László Valkó.
Source: Hungarian News Agency (MTI)