Kolorado Kid Shows in Australia


The winner of the audience prize at the 2010 Hungarian Film Week follows its hero?s release from prison in 1974, following a 15-year sentence for participating in the 1956 Hungarian Revolution. It stars Zsolt Nagy, Tibor Gáspár, Mike Kelly, Lilla Sárosdi, Andrea Fullajtár, Adél Jordán and Péter Kokics.
The film also features cameo appearances by the musicians Menyhárt, drMáriás, Tibor Kiss and Bea Palya.
Qualitons, Kontroll Csoport and Budapest Bár contributed to the soundtrack.
Vágvölgyi wrote a novel based on the screenplay which was published by Nyitott Könyvműhely in 2010.
Source: Hungarian News Agency (MTI)