Krétakör Theatre Redraws Boundaries


The Krétakör performing BLACKland

The Krétakör, a tour de force on Hungary's - and Europe's - alternative theatre scene, will convert into a workshop. But before it takes its new form, the troupe will offer theatre lovers a chance to revisit some its finest works in June.

The troupe will stage performances of Leonce and Léna, The Seagull,, HazámHazám (Fatherland, My All) and FEKETEország (BLACKland) before the change.
Árpád Schilling, the Krétakör's visionary director, summed up the troupe's future saying "Instead of a free pass, (we will) produce that for which there is the time and the money."
The Krétakör has attracted much attention and much support since its inception. Its annual budget exceeds HUF 200 million, allowing it a large degree of independence.