Kretakör to Represent Hungary in European Cultural Season



The Krétakör will team up with France's Le Phun troupe for a performance to be presented in Aurillac and Toulouse in France. The troupes will bring the performance to Hungary for a performance on August 10.

The collaboration is one of 26 with representatives of each EU member state teaming up with a French counterpart for the European Cultural Season.

The Eiffel Tower in Paris

Each EU member state will also be represented by an ambassador during the season. Hungary's ambassador will be the opera singer Klára Csordás, who lives in Paris.

The writer Olivier Poivre d'Arvor, who heads CulturesFrance, the agency organising the European Cultural Season, said the nearly 1,000 events on the six-month programme include ones from every field of culture. Among them are dance, theatre, classical and contemporary music, street art, painting, sculpture, design, architecture, photography, cinema, literature, science and even gastronomy. 
French Culture Minister Christine Albanel said an informal meeting of EU culture ministers will take place in Versailles in July.
Source: Hungarian News Agency (MTI) / Photo: Wikipedia