Libération Publishes Nádas Interview


Interviewer Claire Devarrieux said the novel ?brilliantly mixes time, space bodies and dictators?.
Péter Nádas said he had followed up Book of Memories with another long novel because he sought a new form from which to free himself ?from the I?. He added that to achieve this, the focus shifted to the relationship between the individual and society, and not simply the individual himself.
He said the book?s form made it more difficult to complete than a conventionally structured one, adding that endings were difficult because they are a kind of death for an artist.
?In this open structure, I don?t exist. I am in the material, I am in the others, but I, as such, am not present. I am only present to that degree in which I am present in my characters,? he explained.
Nadás said architecture and psychoanalysis were among the main themes of the novel.
?We penetrate very deeply into the insides of the characters, to where only they can go deeper,? he said.
Source: Hungarian News Agency (MTI)