Library Plans Full Programme for Language Day


The European Day of Languages is an annual event which started with the European Year of Languages in 2001. The European Day of Languages aims to draw the public's attention to the importance of language learning, raise awareness of all the languages spoken in Europe and encourage lifelong language learning Hundreds of activities celebrating language diversity and promoting language learning are being held throughout Europe on September 26. The day also provides an opportunity to continue to strengthen partnerships developed during the Year of Languages at local, regional, national and international levels.
''The ability to communicate in the languages of others and to better understand their cultures is not only an invaluable asset but a clear necessity for individuals and society today. The importance of intercultural understanding and dialogue cannot be emphasised enough in the light of world events,'' Gabriella Battaini-Dragoni, Coordinator for Intercultural Dialogue of the Council of Europe, said of the European Day of Languages in 2006.
Programme for the European Day of Languages 2007
10.00 Opening
10:15-11:45 European Knowledge - European Library - conference (location: exhibition room)
New Knowledge - And How We Acquire It
Presenter: Ferenc Miszlivetz, director of the Berzsenyi Dániel College's Institute for International and European Studies
Strategic Developments in Library Matters
Presenter: Dr. Judit Skaliczki, deputy department head at the Ministry of Education and Culture's Library Department, with Klára Bakos, president of the Hungarian Association of Librarians
11:45-12:00 The Profession of Librarian - OIK and the Hungarian Association of Librarians present the career of a librarian (location: exhibition room)
Opening of an exhibition of works by the painter Klára Csabonyi, a librarian at the Szabó Ervin Library in Budapest
12:00-13:00 Let's Learn Esperanto (location: language laboratory)
With the aim of popularising this "universal" language, speakers of Esperanto will demonstrate its use as a "bridge language". Participants will be introduced to the grammar of Esperanto, learn some words and prepare a business card.
13:00-14:30 Hungary's Ethnic German Minority
Each year on the European Day of Languages, OIK has presented a different ethnic minority in Hungary. This year, the German ethnic minority will be showcased.
15:00-16:00 Picture in Hand - Adventures in the world of visual language. Presenters:   Péter Mongyi, Eduárd Dobra and Ferenc Juhász.
17:00-18:00 Judging for Translation Contest, Award Ceremony (location: reading room)
On the occasion of the European Day of Languages and the Year of Russian Language, OIK has invited non-professionals to try their hand at translating a poem by the Russian poet Valerij Brjusov. A poet, translator, university professor, Russian literature expert and a librarian will evaluate the translations.
18:00-19:00 Madrigal Mix with Arpa d'Or (location: reading room)
The six-member male choral ensemble Arpa d'Or will sing Renaissance and Baroque works by Lassus, Josquin des Prés and Monteverdi.
20:00-21:00 Bea Palya Quintet (location: exhibition room)
Palya and her band will perform numbers from Psyché as well as her new CD to be released in September.
The OIK programme is sponsored by the National Cultural Fund and Audio Visual Kft.
The National Foreign Languages Library (OIK) is located at Molnár utca 11, in the capital's District V.