Lincoln Center Shows Hungarian Films


The festival, timed to coincide with the 50th anniversary of the 1956 Hungarian Revolution, will feature three films series. ?Remembering ?56? will feature a number of important Hungarian films that have portrayed the revolution itself or explored its consequences ? themes that inspired masterworks such as Time Stands Still or Father. ?A Tribute to Miklós Jancsó: The Currents of History? will be a seven-film salute to Hungary?s greatest director. Finally, ?New Cinema from Hungary? will help introduce Hungary?s newest generation of film artists.

On the programme are ?Father? (1966) by Istvan Szabó, ?The Red and the White? (1967) by Miklós Jancsó, ?Moscow Square? (2001) by Ferenc Török, ?White Palms? (2006) by Szabolcs Hajdú, ?Fresh Air? (2006) by Ágnes Kocsis, ?Time Stands Still? (1983) by Péter Gothár, ?Whooping Cough? (1987) by Péter Gárdos, ?Diary for My Mother and Father? (1990) by Márta Mészáros, and ?Kontroll? (2004) by
Nimród Antal, among many others.

To see all of the films that are playing visit

The Film Society of Lincoln Center in conjunction with the Ernst Gallery is also presenting an exhibition of vintage film posters, ?The Golden Age of Hungarian Film?. The posters are one-of-a-kind, as only several pieces were made for the few movie theaters in Budapest. The exhibition is free and open to the public. The posters are on display in the Walter Reade Theater?s Frieda and Roy Furman Gallery at Lincoln Center.

?Resistance and Rebirth? is presented in collaboration with Magyar Filmunió in Budapest and with the help of the Hungarian Cultural Center in New York.

Source: / Film Society of Lincoln Center