Linz, Vilnius Take European Capital of Culture Title


US conductor Dennis Russel Davies (third from left) acknowledges an ovation after taking the baton for a concert with Linz's Bruckner Orchestra on January 1, 2009, part of celebrations to mark the day Linz takes the European Capital of Culture title.

Martin Heller, who is coordinating Linz's programme for the year, has a EUR 68 million budget with which to work. More than 200 events are on the city's programme. Among the first will be a stage adaptation of Fernando Pessoa's Book of Disquiet featuring the well known actor Klaus Maria Brandauer.

Shafts of light about Vilnius's Cathedral Square on January 1, 2009, the day the city takes the European Capital of Culture title.
Source: MTI/AFP / Photos: MTI/EPA