Liszt Music Academy, Munich Theatre Academy to Co-operate


András Batta and Klaus Zehelein

The agreement was signed by Liszt Music Academy rector András Batta and Theatre Academy president Klaus Zehelein, who headed the Stuttgart Opera for a decade during which it was named Germany's best opera house four times. Under the agreement, the two academies will organise teacher exchanges and joint productions, including one of the famous Hungarian composer Péter Eötvös's opera The Three Sisters in 2009.

The two academies also agreed to team up with France's ArtZoyd and the Netherland's V2 international media laboratory on a joint application for EU funding for contemporary musical stage productions called "pocket operas" that can be brought from place to place with a single small truck. In the first phase of the project, the partners will exchange know-how in the framework of seminars and workshops as well as develop a library of software. In the second phase, the two academies will each put together one production. These productions will be performed in the framework of a symposium at the Theatre Academy in the third and final phase of the project. The results of the application for EU funding will be made known in June 2008.
 "The Liszt Music Academy's expanding international co-operation shows its growing professional recognition," said Batta.