London Paper Examines Success, Future of Budapest Museum


?Budapest ?mega-project? to defy the downturn, Government appoints museum director to oversee EUR 150m cultural quarter? is the headline of the full-page piece detailing the museum?s success in the past several years and plans to create a cultural quarter by putting the state?s national and international collections of art under a single roof.
The plan, which comes after an earlier project to build an underground extension on the Museum of Fine Arts was scrapped by Hungary?s new government, would involve moving the collection of Hungarian art from the Hungarian National Gallery to the Museum of Fine Arts, the home to Hungary?s state-owned collection of international art.
The plan could meet with criticism, and covering costs might prove difficult, but Baán noted that the government had a fondness for unconventional solutions.
?It fits in perfectly with the logic of this government to launch a cultural mega-project of such emblematic significance right in the middle of general budget cuts: one which, besides its intrinsic value, also expresses an extremely important symbolic message ? it is even more important at a time when there is no belief that it is possible,? he said
Photo: Hungarian News Agency (MTI)