Los Angeles Opera to stage Hungarian masterpiece


(MTI) - The two Hungarian-language performances of the opera, written by the composer Ferenc Erkel, will be sponsored by the government's culture portfolio, Geza Szocs said. The international cast for the production will probably be selected in January. It is still to be decided if the casting will take place in Vienna or Madrid, the state secretary said. Szocs called the US premiere of Bank ban a milestone on the road of popularising Hungarian culture abroad. 

Placido Domingo said that presenting this masterpiece has for long been on the agenda in the United States. He noted that Bela Bartok's opera, Bluebeard's Castle, had been a tremendous success at the Los Angeles Opera, which he founded 25 years ago.  
It is very important to familiarise the American public with European culture, including traditional works, he said.
Photo by Bence Kovács