LOW Festival Draws More Than 50,000


The festival, which was organised by the Dutch embassy and the Flemish representative office in Hungary, featured performances and exhibitions by more than 500 Dutch, Flemish and Hungarian artists at some two dozen venues in Budapest and Pécs. Most of the events were sold out. One of the festival's most popular performances - Dutch Tsunami - will be repeated at the LABOR theatre in Pécs's Zsolnay factory on March 19 because of the extraordinary demand for tickets.

The LOW Festival helped strengthen the ties between Hungarian, Dutch and Flemish cultural institutions. Budapest's A38 ship cooperated with Amsterdam's Melkweg, the Krétakör Theatre worked together with the Dutch-Flemish company Wunderbaum and the Hungarian rock band Quimby played with Alamo Race Track from the Netherlands. The links forged between Budapest's Merlin Theatre and Antwerp's Toneelhuis is expected to result in further joint productions in the Netherlands and Hungary. As the result of another cooperation formed during the festival, the Liszt Music Academy has invited pianist Jan Michiels to teach in Budapest.
Some of the exhibitions included in the LOW Festival programme - among them the Flemish artist Wim Delvoye's show at the Ernst Museum - are still open to visitors.
Source: Hungarian News Agency (MTI)