Lumu Shows Footballers' Fields of Dreams


The exhibition, called European Fields: The Landscape of Lower League Football, shows images by the Dutch photographer Hans van der Meer. Though all of the photographs show the sport being played, it is the context of place and culture that makes them interesting. One would never imagine football could be played in so many different places: on the beach, next to an oil refinery, in a grazing field. Often the players are dwarfed by their surroundings. In other photographs, van der Meer captures the passion of the game on the dirt- and mud-covered faces of players, a passion shared in spite of the noticeable differences in gear. One wonders if the German footballers' shin guards are the envy of the Romanian teams.


Hans van der Meer

In the same space, the works of another Dutch photographer, Bertien van Meer, are also being shown. In the exhibition, called Give Me Your Image, van Meer takes old family photographs and surrounds them with objects that evoke memories of the time they were taken.

Both exhibitions are part of the LOW Dutch and Flemish culture festival.
Author: Emese Kürti / Photos: Ludwig Museum, Hungarian News Agency (MTI)