Madách, Mikszáth Collections to Return to Balassagyarmat


Balassagyarmat moved the collections to Salgótarján in 1970, but has been in talks for its return since 2002, said Nógrád County Local Council chairman Zsolt Becsó.

The collections are to be housed in the Aininger House, for which the local council and the city's Palóc Museum will submit an application for funding.
Madách, whose Tragedy of Man is one of the best known works of Hungarian poetry, was born in Alsósztregova - now Dolná Strehová in Slovakia - in 1823. In 1844, he moved to Csesztve, near Balassagyarmat, where he lived with his wife Erzsébet Fráter until1853.
Mikszáth was born in Szklabonya -now Sklabiná in Slovakia - in 1847.
He bought a manor in Horpács, also near Balassagyarmat, in 1904, and there spent the last years of his life.
Source: Múlt-kor / Hungarian News Agency (MTI)