Madách Theatre Shows The Producers for Hundredth Time


Scene from the musical Producers, with Péter Haumann in the centre

The musical, which tells the story of a pair of men who bet a show business flop may be more profitable than a hit, premiered on June 2, 2006, directed by Tamás Szirtes and featuring three casts, with the leads played by János Gálvölgyi, Péter Haumann and Béla Szerednyey.

Brooks received an Academy Award for the screenplay of the 1967 film version of "The Producers". Thirty years later, Brooks adapted the screenplay for stage, and the musical became an award-winning Broadway hit in 2001. In 2004, the show opened in London's West End.
"The musical is an excellent satire of the world of theatre and show business, where everything is for sale and anything can happen," the Madách Theatre says on its homepage.