Maladype Theatre Starts Tenth Season With Tour


The independent theatre will take five productions from its repertoire to Ljubljana, Wroclaw, Olsztyn, Bucharest, Arad, Sfantu Gheorghe and Vienna. The tour will start on September 23 with a performance of ?Platonov? at the ExPonto festival in Ljubljana. The company will perform ?Lorenzaccio? at the Underground Festival in Arad on October 4 and the Central European Theatre Carousel in Vienna on November 12. It will take ?Leonce and Lena? to Dialog in Wroclaw for performances on October 11 and 12. ?Egg(s)Hell? by the Hungarian writer Sándor Weöres will be shown at Poland?s Demoludy International Theater Festival on October 19. The troupe will perform ?Ubu King? in Bucharest on November 5 and in Sfantu Gheorghe on November 7.
The performance of ?Egg(s)Hell? is supported by The International Visegrad Fund. The shows of ?Ubu King? are supported by the Bucharest Hungarian Institute as well as Hungary?s Balassi Institute and the National Cultural Fund.
?Maladype is a company capable of redefining itself, acquiring new perceptions, positioning itself in new contexts and considering changes as natural elements of creating theater. The company is deliberately looking for surprising opportunities of theatrical and non-theatrical locations and unusual theatrical solutions. The company focuses on the actors? intensive common work and continuous communication with the audience,? according to the troupe?s website.