Maladype Theatre to Perform at Dialog-Wroclaw


Until now, just one Hungarian troupe has performed at the festival, one of the most prestigious theatre events in Europe, the Krétakör, who brought ?W-Workers Circus? in 2003, and ?Black Country? and ?Phaedra? in 2005.
?Maladype is a company capable of redefining itself, acquiring new perceptions, positioning itself in new contexts and considering changes as natural elements of creating theater. The company is deliberately looking for surprising opportunities of theatrical and non-theatrical locations and unusual theatrical solutions. The company focuses on the actors? intensive common work and continuous communication with the audience,? according to the troupe?s website.
?The Maladype Theatre, founded and led by Zoltan Balázs since 2002, has become one of the most highly regarded independent theatres in Hungary. The word ?maladype? in the language of the Hungarian Lovari Roma means ?meetings?. It is no surprise, therefore, that from the very beginning the theatre has been open to multiculturalism, ethnicity and experiments with new languages of expression. The company has developed a unique style based on an extraordinarily intense stage presence of the actors and their direct contact with the audience. Maladype?s performances are, on the one hand, polished to perfection and on the other ? open to improvisation, depending on the audience?s condition on a given day,? say Dialog?s organisers.
?The Uncommon? is the theme of this year?s Dialog Festival.