Many Exhibitions to Mark Anniversary of Revolution


Although some of the exhibitions opened as early as spring, 80 percent of them will open only in autumn.

The UN Refugee Agency?s regional office is presenting an exhibition of photographs of the wave of refugees which followed the revolution. The photographs, which can bee seen starting this week at Corvin köz, near the Corvin cinema in Budapest?s District VIII, were available, until now, only on DVD.

In August and September, another three fine arts exhibitions will open with state support, in Túrkeve, Zalaegerszeg and Budatétény. In October, thirty more fine arts exhibitions and ten displays of photographs will open. As part of the series, Budapest?s Műcsarnok will open an exhibition of both fine and applied arts.

Tamás Oszvald?s memorial to the event can be seen at the Hungarian Academy of Fine Arts for two months. At Budapest?s Vármegye Gallery, visitors can see Transylvanians? renderings of 1956. Exhibitions of fine arts and industrial arts will also be organised at Szeged?s Móra Ferenc Museum, Kecskemét?s Erdei Ferenc Arts Centre, Zalagegerszeg?s Hevesi Sándor Theatre and Szentendre?s Picture Gallery, all in October.

Exhibitions of photographs will open at the Hungarian Museum of Photography, among other places. The museum, which is in Kecskemét, will show pictures from the photojournalists Mario de Biasi, Erich Lessing and Ata Kando.

The R_evolution 1956-2006 ?International Mail-Art exhibition will take place simultaneously in Budapest, Debrecen, Miskolc and Gyöngyös. The exhibition will feature artists? efforts during the 60s to send their creative messages through the post.

Budapest?s Trafó Gallery will organise an exhibition of contemporary foreign artists entitled ?The Revolution is Not a Garden Party?.

The Gypsy Cultural and Fine Arts Association will open an exhibition in Kecskemét entitled Roma in the Revolution.

Budapest?s Philately Museum will organise an exhibition entitled Stamp Graphics 1956, and the capital?s Fashion School and Fashion Designers? Training School will show the clothing trends of the period.

Source: Hungarian News Agency (MTI)/ Múlt-kor